Saturday, 8 December 2012

13th Class review: Animation


Untuk kelas kali ni, kami blajar menggunakan Apps 3: Creating Animation. Untuk membina animasi, kita perlu faham konsep symbol dulu. Symbol dalam flash ni ada 3 jenis, iaitu graphic, movie clip, dan button. Untuk lebih jelas tentang fungsi dan library, refer to this quote yg saya dah post dlm discussion di facebook hari tu..

"As my friends have stated earlier, library is use to store media that we wil re use again and again through out our flash project. the object that we dragged to the stage from the Library is not the original. it is a copy called an instance. If we drag a second copy of a graphic from the Library, we add a second instance on the stage. we can drag as many instances onto the stage as we like. As we do this, we DO NOT increase the overall file size of the movie.That is the main point of using the library. "

Untuk animasi pulak, ade 4 jenis. Untuk faham dengan lebih lanjut, boleh refer pada kenyataan saya yg sy beri kat discussion FB ari tu:

 " There are 4 types of animations which are motion tweening, shape tweening, motion guide and frame by frame.. Motion tweening is to do animation that involve movement like bouncing ball. Shape tweening is for animation like changing text to object, object to object,and image to image. Motion guide is for animation that move a long a guided path like a flying bird and a swimming fish. For frame by frame, i think it is suitable for action animation.the example animation is like a blinking eye and mouth movement. ^^ "

Untuk Aktiviti 3 kali ni, we are asked to produce all these 4 types of animation..the result is:

Motion Tweening

Untuk Motion Tweening, we are asked to create an animated bouncing ball that could change its positions, colours and size along the preferred timeline. This is the product of my animation by using motion tweening technique:

Sebab soalan minta nak tukar position, size and colours, so i just change all these 3 in each keyframe..

Shape Tweening

Untuk shape tweening ni, kami diminta untuk buat animasi dari text kepada objek. So inilah hasilnya..

 Tips penting untuk animation ni ialah we have to break apart tulisan tu twice..

Guided Motion

Untuk kali ni, sepatutnya kami diminta untuk buat animasi semut berjalan kluar dari lorong.. Tapi aku yang derhaka ni buat rama2 terbang hinggap ke bunga pulak..huhu..This is the result..

 This is the screenshot during the prooduction process:

Untuk animasi jenis ni, kite kene add motion guide pada layer butterfly tu. Bunga tu saya letak in a different layer supaya dia x mengganggu..

Frame by Frame 

Untuk frame by frame pulak, sebenarnye kami kene buat mulut beruang buka n tutop mulup.. Tapi sekali lagi saya menderhaka dengan hasilkan animasi binatang berjalan..hehe.. Here is the result..

And this is my screen shot during the process..

Huhu..alhamdulillah..kalau sebelum ni rasa tak suka flash sebab before ni trasa flash itu rumit, skarang dah boleh hasilkan animasi sendiri..hehe..

p/s: Ayah saya  kata animasi haiwan berjalan tu macam diorg tengah belumba lari..hehe..


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